Invited speakers
B. Finlayson-Pitts, University of California, Irvine
Multiphase Chemistry in the Atmosphere: It All Starts with Gases
A.R. Ravishankara, Colorado State University
Associations Reactions: My associations with Prof. Ian W.M. Smith
F. Battin-Leclerc, CNRS, Nancy
Recent progress on hydroperoxide chemistry during gas-phase oxidation of fuel components
T. Wallington, Ford Motor Compagny
Structure Activity Relationships for Atmospheric Models: Current Status and Future Outlook
G. Tyndall, NCAR, Boulder
Yields of alkyl nitrates, and their role in tropospheric ozone formation
B. d'Anna, CNRS, Marseille
SOA formation from photoxidation of vehicle exhaust emissions
M. Costen, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh
Elementary Inelastic and Reactive Scattering Processes at Gas-Liquid Interfaces
C. Walsh, University of Leeds
Astrochemistry: molecule formation at the frontier of physics
A. Hofzumahaus, Forschungszentrum Jülich
Atmospheric Simulation Chamber Experiments: Bridging the Gap between Laboratory and Field Studies
S. Dusanter, Mines Telecom
Integrated measurements of atmospheric chemistry: Moving laboratory experiments into the field