ProgramPosters will remain for the entire duration of the conference,. The size of posters must be in the portrait format of A0, i.e. width is 84 cm, heights is 118.9 cm. A welcome reception will take place on Sunday evening, starting at 6pm, at the brewery "Les 3 Brasseurs", just opposite of the old train station "Lille Flandre". The scientifqiue program starts on Monday morning at 9am. Here you can download the Program (you will receive a printed copy of the program during registration). You can download the book of abstracts here.
Sunday, July 22rd, 2018 Starting at 6pm: Welcome reception and registration at "Les 3 Brasseurs", juste opposite of the old train station Lille Flandre
Monday, July 23rd, 2018
Opening, Chair: Andrew Rickard
9h00 Introduction
9h20 Plenary Lecture: A. Ravishankara, Colorado State University Association Reactions: My Associations with Prof. Ian W.M. Smith
10h00 Olivier Durif, Institut de Physique de Rennes CRESUSOL, a New Instrument for Determining Kinetics and Branching Ratios of Elementary Processes at low Temperatures
10h20 David Bones, University of Leeds Field Observations, Laboratory Measurements and Model Simulations of Ni Ablation and Subsequent Chemical Reactions in the Earth’s Mesosphere.
10h40 Coffee break
Atmospheric Chemistry I, Chair: Stanley Sander
11h20 Plenary Lecture: Geoffrey Tyndall, NCAR Boulder Formation of Alkyl Nitrates from Some Mid-Sized Alkanes
12h00 Damien Amedro, MPI Mainz Re-evaluation of the Rate Constant for OH + NO2 – The Effect of H2O on one of the Most Important Atmospheric Reactions
12h20 Lei Zhu, Wadsworth Center, New York State University Role of 2-Nitrophenol and Methyl-2-nitrophenol Photolysis as Missing Sources of OH and HONO in Some Polluted Environments: Implications from Laboratory Studies
12h40 Presentation of RSC Environment Medal to Dwayne Heard, University of Leeds
12h50 Lunch New Methods, Chair: Aamir Farooq
14h10 Plenary Lecture: Sebastien Dusanter, IMT Lille Douai Integrated Measurements of Atmospheric Chemistry: Moving Laboratory Experiments into the Field
14h50 Graham Boustead, University of Leeds Development of a Photo-fragmentation Laser Induced Fluorescence Instrument for the Measurement of Nitrous Acid
15h10 Aileen Hui, California Institute of Technology Direct Detection of OH Radicals using mid-IR 2-f Frequency Modulation Spectroscopy for Temperature Dependence Studies of HO2 + CH3C(O)O2
15h30 Frank Winiberg, Jet Propulsion Laboratory Study of key OH + NOx/NOz reactions under upper troposphere/lower stratosphere conditions
15h50 Coffee break and photo on the stairs in the entrance hall
Combustion I, Chair: Gernot Friedrichs
16h30 Plenary Lecture: Frédérique Battin-Leclerc, CNRS Nancy Recent Progress on Hydroperoxide Chemistry during Gas-phase Oxidation of Fuel Components
17h10 Zachary Buras, Sandia National Laboratories Using OH and HO2 Radicals as Markers of Biofuel Ignition Properties
17h30 Fethi Khaled, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology On the Reaction Kinetics of Dienes with OH Radicals
17h50 One-minute flash presentation of posters presented by PhD students
18h10 Odd numbers Poster session, beer and food All around the plenary hall
Tuesday, July 24th, 2018
Structure-Activity Relationship, Chair: Mark Blitz
9h00 Plenary Lecture: Tim Wallington, Ford Motor Company Structure Activity Relationships for Atmospheric Models: Current Status and Future Outlook
9h40 Mark Goldman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Fate of Peroxy Radicals in Atmosphere, Combustion, and Everywhere in Between
10h00 Max McGillen, University of Bristol An Assessment of Structure-Activity Relationship Performance in Predicting the Gas-Phase Rate Coefficients of Organic Compounds with Hydroxyl, Ozone, Nitrate and Chlorine
10h20 Luc Vereecken, Forschungszentrum Jülich Validation and Extension of a Structure-Activity Relationship for Reactions of Criegee Intermediates
10h40 Coffee break
Atmospheric Chemistry II, Chair: John Orlando
11h20 Jim Lin, Academia Sinica, Taipei Kinetics of Criegee Intermediates
10h40 Mohamad Al Ajami, University of Lille ROOOH: the Missing Piece of the Puzzle for OH measurements in low NO Environments
12h00 Diego Medeiros, University of Leeds Investigations of OH Recycling in the Isoprene + OH Reaction in the Presence of Oxygen: Shedding Light on the Missing OH
12h20 Barbara Nozière, CNRS Lyon Speciated Monitoring of Organic Peroxy Radicals: First Laboratory Applications
12h40 Lunch
Astrochemistry, Chair: Sébastien Le Picard
14h10 Plenary Lecture: Catherine Walsh, University of Leeds Astrochemistry: Molecule Formation at the Frontier of Physics
14h50 Elena Jimenez, University of Castilla – La Mancha Ultra-low Temperature Kinetics of the OH-Reaction with Oxygenates in the Interstellar Medium
15h10 Niclas West, University of Leeds Low Temperature Gas Phase Reaction Rate Coefficient Measurements: Toward Modeling of Stellar Winds
15h30 Xiaofeng Tang, Chinese Academy of Sciences Multiplex Synchrotron VUV Photoionization Methods for Radical Reactions in Atmospheric Chemistry: CH3 + O2
15h50 Coffee break
Combustion II, Chair: Nathalie Lamoureux
16h30 Te-Chun Chu, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Phenyl Radical Addition to Unsaturated Hydrocarbons: Product Distributions & Rates
16h50 Kacee Caster, West Virginia University Investigations into the Reaction of Cyclopentadiene with CH Radicals: A Novel Route to Benzene Formation
17h10 Cato Pappjin, Ghent University Thermal Decomposition of Sulfur Compounds: Kinetic Modeling and Experimental Validation
17h30 James Thorpe, University of Florida Modeling the Thermal Decomposition of Methyl Acetate: a Study in Combustion
17h50 One-minute flash presentation of posters presented by PhD students
18h10 Even numbers Poster session, beer and food All around the plenary hall
Wednesday, July 25th, 2018
Multiphase Chemistry, Chair: Khatuna Kakhiani
9h00 Plenary Lecture: Barbara d'Anna, CNRS Marseille SOA Formation from Photoxidation of Vehicle Exhaust Emissions
9h40 Fabien Goulay, West Virginia University Effect of Dimerization on the OH-Initiated Heterogeneous Oxidation of Saccharide Nanoparticles
10h00 Chia Wang, National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan Probing the Electronic Structures, Interfacial Solvation Properties and Surface pH of Organic-containing Aqueous Nanoaerosols
10h20 Césaire Fotsing Kwetche, University of Lille Combining Quantum Chemistry with Classical Molecular Dynamics for the Theoretical Study of Radical Reactivity at the Surface of Organic Aerosols
10h40 Matti Rissanen, University of Helsinki and Zhandong Wang, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology Highly Oxidized Products from Rapid Alkane Autoxidation Part 1 – Implications for Atmospheric Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation Highly Oxidized Products from Rapid Alkane Autoxidation Part 2 – Implications for Ignition in Combustion Science
11h10 Coffee break
Combustion III, Chair: Zeynep Serinyel
11h50 Franklin Goldsmith, Brown University Decomposition Kinetics for HONO and HNO2
12h10 Ruben Van de Vijver, Sandia National Laboratories KinBot: Automated Stationary Point Localization on Potential Energy Surfaces
12h30 Ghanshyam Vaghihani, Air Force Research Lab High-level Multi-reference Wave Function and Density Functional Theory Treatment of the N2H3 + NO2 Reaction
12h50 Lunch bag and departure for excursion
Thursday, July 26th, 2018
Elementary processes, Chair: Scott Kable
9h00 Plenary Lecture, Matt Costen, Heriot-Watt University Inelastic and Reactive Scattering at Gas-Liquid Interfaces
9h40 Jeremy Bougalais, Université de Versailles Saint Quentin en Yvelines Gas-Phase Radical Reactions with Hydrocarbons and Amines Probed by Multiplexed Synchrotron VUV Photoionization Mass Spectrometry
10h00 Mitchio Okumura, California Institute of Technology Kinetic Isotope Effect in the Reactions of OH and O(1D) with Isotopologues of Methane
10h20 Adriana Caracciolo, Università degli Studi di Perugia Crossed Molecular Beams and Theoretical Studies of the O(3P) + 1,2-Butadiene Reaction: Primary Products, Branching Ratios and Intersystem Crossing
10h40 Coffee break
Atmospheric Chemistry III, Chair: Jean-François Doussin
11h20 Plenary Lecture: Andreas Hofzumahaus, Forschungszentrum Jülich Atmospheric Simulation Chamber Experiments: Bridging the Gap Between Laboratory and Field Studies
12h00 Gabriel Da Silva, University of Melbourne Isomerization and Decomposition of Isoprene’s Delta-(Z)-Hydroxyperoxyl Radicals
12h20 Rasmus Otkjær, University of Copenhagen Atmospheric Autoxidation is Increasingly Important in Urban and Suburban North America
12h40 Lunch
Chamber Studies, Chair: Alexandre Tomas
14h10 Peter Wiesen, University of Wuppertal A Gas Kineticist’s Life: a Reminiscence to Dr. Ian Barnes
14h30 Mike Newland, University of York The Photolysis Mechanism of Monoaromatic Ring Opening Products - Unsaturated 1,4 Dicarbonyls - from Chamber Experiments
14h50 Iustinian Gabriel Bejan, University "Al. I. Cuza" Iasi Products and Mechanisms for the Atmospheric Oxidation of Dimethylbenzoquinones
15h10 Axel Fouqueau, LISA, University of Paris Est - Créteil Reactivity of γ-Terpinene and α-Terpinene with NO3 Radical: a Comparative Kinetic and Mechanistic Study
15h30 Freja F. Oesterstroem, University of Leeds Kinetic Study of the CH3O2 + HO2 Cross-reaction in the Highly Instrumented Reactor for Atmospheric Chemistry
15h50 Coffee break
Combustion IV, Chair: Jürgen Troe
16h30 Rajakumar Balla, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras Cl Atom Initiated Photo-oxidation Reaction Kinetics of Methyl and Ethyl Propionate
16h50 Isabelle Weber, Karlsruher Institut für Technology Thermal Decomposition of CH3I Revisited: Consistent Calibration of I-atom Concentrations Behind Shock Waves with Dual I-/H-ARAS
17h10 Michael Burke, Columbia University Pressure Dependence of Chemically Termolecular Reactions
17h30 Polanyi lecture: Barbara Finlayson-Pitts University of California Irvine Multiphase Chemistry in the Atmosphere: It All Starts with Gases
19h30 Banquet at the Omnia Restaurant